Our learning support assessment can give you, your loved ones, and your loved one's educators the information and tools needed to help foster a successful learning environment.
learning support assessment
If you find yourself or a loved one struggling at school or work, the cause can often be related to more than just an attention or concentration issue. Our psychoeducational assessments use proven testing methods to identify a wide range of possible learning disabilities, including ADHD, visual processing deficits, and auditory processing difficulties. Our results are comprehensive, thorough, and accepted by learning institutions and educational testing services.
A psychoeducational evaluation can diagnose issues related to:
differences in behaviors across social settings (school vs. home)
the need for extra time to complete homework or exams
an inability to achieve high exam results, despite having the knowledge to do so
a lack of focus on more challenging or less interesting tasks
difficulties with social interaction
attention related deficits at school or work
disruptive behavior issues at home, school, or work
The results from a Clear Skies assessment are fully accepted by schools and educational testing services (SAT, ACT) and can be used to satisfy IEP and 504 plan requirements.
“A Clear Skies Learning Support Assessment includes clear recommendations that can lead to improved learning results without medication.”
If you believe that someone close to you could benefit from a psychoeducational assessment, please review our detailed FAQ for information regarding the time needed and the cost to complete a learning assessment with Clear Skies. Then visit our online portal to schedule a new appointment.